The Full Hunter’s Moon • Whitefish, MT

October 9, 2022 - The Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries.

This is a time to lean into and nurture relationships that promote your growth and to let go of those that aren’t supportive of your personal and evolutionary development.

If people aren't high fiving you with gusto when you win, are they even on your team?

We must trust our ability to build and maintain authentic connections, discern from false ones, and remind ourselves that genuine and healthy relationships don’t require us to abandon ourselves, our needs, and our desires in order exist.

Take inventory of your connections and where equal give and take are present and let the takers fall away. You are in charge of who has access to you and who does not. Neat, right?!

Be done with lighting yourself on fire to keep others warm and bring in those that don’t suck the life out of you closer.

Surround yourself with people that energize you, and you them.

Take off the mask and be yourself without apology.

Set boundaries, cut cords, and watch how things change for you.

It’s time to shine like this bad ass Aries Moon.


12 years of Sam & Claire


Michelle Skaletski-Boyd • Best Selling Author • Whitefish, MT